Monday, March 5, 2012

Manic Monday

Another delicious weekend! I don't know why I never remember to take pictures of our Sabbath meals. It's probably because we're all starving and everything's sooo good we just dig in. No thoughts of cameras whatsoever. Take my word for it, though, it's good stuff :)

So Levi loves nuggets. So.much. The good? I found some excellent gluten free nuggets by Applegate Farms. By far the best I've had - and that includes the gluten-filled ones. The bad? They're EXPENSIVE! 

After going through 2 boxes in less than two weeks, I decided I'd try my hand at nugget-making. How hard could it be? Turns out, not hard at all!

Since I was just experimenting, I don't have a very specific recipe, but take heart! I will do it again and write down exactly what I'm doing. For now, here's what I did:

8 chicken tenders, cut into bite-size cubes

In a shallow bowl, whisk 1 egg with a splash of milk. Set aside. 

In another bowl, combine approximately 1/4 cup of each: oat flour, quinoa flour, and brown rice flour. Add paprika, garlic salt, onion powder, and some freshly ground pepper. 

Heat a bit of oil in a saucepan. 

Drop the chicken into the egg mixture, then dredge them in flour mix. Fry in hot oil until golden brown. 

The verdict? DELICIOUS! No, really. These were excellent. I'm never, ever buying chicken nuggets again! Yay!

Here's a picture of my handiwork:

mixed veggies, pasta with olive oil and parm, chicken nuggets, and strawberries

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