Monday, February 13, 2012

Manic Monday

We had a pretty relaxing weekend. It was cold, so we pretty much stayed inside and watched movies, played games, and read lots of books. Good times.

I was just thinking this past week that we consume entirely too much produce. I'm not even sure how it happens. Every time I get back from the store I think, "there's no way we're going to finish all this, I finally bought too much." and nope. Gone before the week is over. Here's an example of what I got this week:

1 dozen apples
1 dozen pears
1 dozen plums
1 dozen white nectarines
1 dozen kiwis
1 dozen tangelos
3 lbs. grapes
Huge box of blueberries from Costco (not sure of the exact quantity)
2 quarts of strawberries
3 lbs. lemons
6 lbs. bananas
6 broccoli crowns (yes, 6!)
1 head cauliflower
1 lbs. green beans
1 bunch of kale
1 bunch of romaine lettuce
1 box of organic baby spinach

And a few extras like onions, garlic, celery, etc. Well, from ALL that stuff above, here's what we have left:
2 apples
1 pear
2 plums
1 kiwi
1 tangelo
2 lemons
2 bananas

Seriously! It hasn't even been a week! That's going to last us until tomorrow. Ugh. I like grocery shopping once a week only because I feel it cuts back on spending and I don't waste time and gas going back and forth to the store. Good thing I have frozen mangoes, peaches, berries, and some vegetables. That will have to do until Wednesday.

Another thing we devour are eggs. I buy 2 dozen organic, free range eggs every week! We don't eat eggs every single day, but I do use them for baking, and when the kids eat them for breakfast they easily eat 2 eggs each. Plus, I like having a few harboiled eggs in the fridge as a high protein snack for the kids or just to add to my salads.

If we go through this much food now, how will I keep up with them when they're teenagers?! Hold me.

Baby cucumbers, cheddar cheese cubes, blueberries, black bean patties with sour cream, eggplant sticks

White nectarine, carrot ribbons, EnviroKids cereal, cream cheese and cucumber heart sandwiches

Pear, peas, black bean patties, grilled cheese sandwich (cut up for Sophie)

Coconut water! Yum!

coconut with chile and lime. Mmm....

Gluten free onion rings for the Super Bowl

gluten free pizza

Yummy snack

blueberries, strawberries, and grapes

Gluten free chocolate cupcakes

Black Bean Patties

I just threw these together to use up some leftover beans. They're good!

1 cup black beans (if canned, rinse and drain)
1 Tbs. cornmeal
1 egg
1/2 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. garlic salt
1/2 tsp. paprika
Salt and pepper to taste.

Whiz everything together in a food processor. Heat olive oil in a skillet and drop by spoonfuls. Fry a couple of minutes on each side. Serve with a dollop of sour cream.

For the Onion Rings I used this recipe and it was fabulous!

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