Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm back!

I've sort of been neglecting this blog, but we've been busy with family. This past week we've been going to walk/ride bikes every morning at 6:30 for a couple of hours. The weather is absolutely beautiful! The kids are up anyway, so we might as well go. Well, David doesn't go because he goes in to work at 7:30...but my parents are on vacation so we've been going together along with my Aunt Debbie (my dad's youngest sister), Uncle Sem (dad's younger brother), and my grandma (dad's mom). Fun times.

Here's Levi in the bike trailer. His snacks are some blueberries and Honey Nut Chex.

Here's what he had for lunch....I think on Friday? Can't even remember. But he ate this at some point last week: Red apricots, Ian's Chicken Nuggets with ketchup, zucchini with corn, rice with saffron

Last week I also made gluten free bread. This is the recipe I always use.

In other news, Sophie can now sport a tiny ponytail :)

Zucchini with Corn
3 Roma tomatoes, grated on a cheese grater
1 medium onion, diced
1 garlic clove, minced
4 zucchinis, cut into chunks
2 cups of frozen corn kernels
1 jalapeno, washed
Salt and pepper to taste

In a large skillet, heat some olive oil and cook onion until translucent. Add garlic, tomatoes, zucchini, and jalapeno*.  Continue cooking until zucchini is almost tender. Add corn, salt and pepper. Cover and cook until zucchini and corn are cooked completely. 

* Add the jalapeno WHOLE. It just gives flavor without making it spicy. If you do like it spicy (like we do!) dice another jalapeno and cook it with the onion. 

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