Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Ok, so I didn't take pictures of food today. Ha. I honestly can't even remember what he had for breakfast. For lunch, though, we went to eat at Gloria's Restaurant for the first time and had a great gluten free experience. Ok, to be fair, I don't really know if everything we ate was really gluten free....because I didn't ask. BUT, I made sure everything we ordered was as plain as possible and no reactions so far. Yay :)

Good thing Levi can't read menus yet because I know for sure he would have wanted the chicken tenders. On a tangent, it's so annoying that kids menus are full of gluten. What's with that? Cheeseburgers, nuggets, chicken tenders, mac and cheese. Ugh. This one had one option, though! Yay! Levi had a grilled chicken breast with french fries....I know, no veggies, that's another "kid menu" annyoance....

I had possibly the most delicious fish I've eaten in my life: Pescado Acajutla. SO good! For dessert we had vanilla and chocolate flan. My absolute favorite dessert.

So I definitely give this restaurant a HUGE thumbs up. The food was delish and I found plenty of food Levi and I could eat. Definitely recommend!

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