Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 3

I'm really hating these super hot days. We haven't been able to go outside too much because it's scorching by noon! Good thing Levi likes puzzles. They keep him occupied for hours.

So this weekend Eva will be dedicated! David's parents will be here and his dad will be doing the honors. My baby cousin, Liam, is also being dedicated by my grandfather Sabbath afternoon so we will have a lot of family over! As excited as I am about everyone being here, I'm also a tiny bit nervous about all the extra people who like feeding toddlers.

I don't think anyone will give him gluten maliciously, but if you're not very familiar with the issue you might not even realize how many things contain gluten. It's easy to weed out the obvious: bread, pasta, cookies, cakes, basically anything made with flour. But the hidden stuff is hard: soy sauce, condensed soups, some seasonings, gravies, etc. I really hope we make it through the weekend unscathed!

Breakfast: Brown rice cereal with blueberries, sliced apples, hardboiled egg, milk

Snack: Chobani Blueberry Yogurt

Lunch: Jasmine Rice, garbanzos, corn, blueberries, cherry tomatoes, Potato Cracker Thins

Snack: Apple Juice

Dinner: Quesadilla, cottage cheese, beans, baby cucumbers, melon balls

We also had a some overripe bananas that no one was going to eat, so I made some gluten free banana bread. Yum.
Fresh out of the oven 

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