Monday, January 9, 2012


I've been on a cooking strike. Had to bake, though, we were out of bread =/    We've been surviving on leftovers, sandwiches, oatmeal, and cereal. The kids don't mind at all.

For dinner today I did make Adobo Chicken and it was soooo good! We ate it over some steamed rice with a side of veggies and it was truly delish after some time at the gym.

I started Weight Watchers today. Sigh. I HAVE to lose 10-12 pounds. I'm just not looking forward to counting points and watching every.single.thing I eat. I've done Weight Watchers before and the first week is always the hardest, so I know I just have to push through...and find more snack options!

Low point snacks I love:
- frozen grapes
- rice crakers
- fruit (it's FREE!)
- cucumbers with lime and chile
- hummus with veggies
- banana smoothie
- fat free greek yogurt with berries and a drizzle of honey
- chips with salsa

and my FAVORITE:

Blueberry Slush
Fill a 6 oz cup a little more than half full with frozen blueberries. Pour light vanilla soymilk over the blueberries to cover them. Stir with a spoon until slushy. Enjoy!

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