Friday, December 30, 2011

Let's Do This!

Ok, these past few months have been pretty terrible. Lots of different things to deal with (more on that here), and basically blogging was the last thing on my mind. However, I think it's time for an update.

Two weeks ago we went in for Levi's 3 year appointment and things did NOT go well :(    To be fair, he was barely getting over some nasty stomach bug and he hadn't eaten much (if anything!) in well over 4 days. He was well hydrated, though. Anyway, so he only weighed in at 27.2 pounds, landing him somewhere between the 5-10%. Boo.  It's quite unfortunate that he got sick right before his appointment because I'm quite certain he was well over 30 pounds. Oh well.

Naturally, his pediatrician freaked out (rightly so) and referred him to a GI specialist and a nutritionist. Ugh. To make matters worse, apparently Eva didn't gain enough weight either (but she's in the 40%) so she was referred to the GI specialist as well. AND when she checked her throat it looked pretty red, so she had her checked for strep and tested positive! AAHH!!

All in all, a horrible appointment. I honestly just wanted to sit down and cry. Fortunately, I have an incredibly level-headed and supportive pediatrician mother who came over after work and completely made me feel better. We'd just take things one step at a time and both kids would be fine.

Turns out she was right. I weighed Levi yesterday and he's 29.6 pounds (that's almost 3 pounds in just 2 weeks!) AND he's 39.5 inches tall; he grew over an inch! Eva is over her strep (never once showing any symptoms) and she has gained weight as well :)  Great way to start the new year!

Here are a few pictures of Levi right after his Dr. appointment:

My poor little guy. He's filled out CONSIDERABLY since then. I had to let out 2 buttons from each side of his jeans :)

Happy, healthy boy eating a pickle on Christmas morning.

And here's the Gluten Free Monkey Bread I made Christmas morning:
It was amazing! If you haven't tried Better Batter you absolutely HAVE to! It's the most amazing substitute for wheat all-purpose flour. You can buy it here. 

Monkey Bread
1 Cup cinnamon sugar

For syrup:
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
3/4 cup butter, melted

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease a bundt pan and set aside. 

With well-greased hands, make small balls of dough and roll them in the cinnamon sugar. I actually used a very small ice cream scoop (well greased) to make sure all the little balls were even. Drop them around the bundt pan until all the dough is used up. 

Cover pan with plastic wrap and place in a warm, draft-free place. Let rise until doubled in size, approximately 40 minutes. 

Mix brown sugar with butter and pour evenly over the top of the risen bread dough. Cover with aluminum foil, and bake for approximately 40 minutes. 

When done, allow it to cool for a few minutes before inverting on a platter. Enjoy warm!