Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I'm a horrible blogger!

Cut me some slack, we've been busy! A few things have happened since my last post. First, we moved! We're loving the extra space and a room for each kid. It's awesome and they're sleeping much better! Second, David got a new job! Woohoo! I especially love it because his new company sponsors the Dallas Mavericks, Texas Rangers, and Dallas Cowboys, so he gets a ton of perks. If you know me you know why this is so important :)  The third huge thing is that Levi has gained 3 pounds and grown 2 1/2 inches so far! Exciting stuff. I think the diet is working :)

In other news, we're loving this fall weather. It's been rainy and much cooler in the mornings. The days are also gorgeous and mostly sunny, so we spend a ton of time outside. Time to renew our zoo membership!

Since no blog post is complete without pictures, here are a few recent ones: