Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July and other adventures

My parents have been on vacation for almost 2 weeks, so we've been out and about even more than usual.

Here are some of the meals I've remembered to photograph:
blueberries, hummus, Lentil Crackers, potato salad, grilled corn

Asian pear slices, baby carrots, green beans, Tomato and Mozzarella Pasta al FornoUdi's Whole Grain Bread with butter

Melon balls, baby cucumbers, beans, quesadillas, cottage cheese

For my dad's birthday I made Gluten Free cake! Turned out really  well and super yummy :)

My uncle Ben and aunt Connie came to visit from California, so we had a great weekend. We didn't do much for the 4th of July, though. Just grilled some burgers and corn and ate some of my uncle Ben's delicious potato salad. Good, low-key day :)

1 15 oz. can chickpeas (or 2 cups cooked chickpeas), drained - reserve liquid
1 Tbs. Tahini
1 Tbs. lemon juice
1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes
2 garlic cloves
Salt to taste

Place all ingredients in food processor and add reserved garbanzo liquid until preferred consistency is achieved. Season with salt to taste.

Potato Salad*
Cooked potatoes
Hardboiled eggs
Finely diced onion
Finely diced celery
Salt and pepper

Mix everything together and refrigerate until ready to eat.

*I don't give any quantities because we just "wing it" every time depending on how many people are going to be eating. It's all pretty much to taste anyway :)